Last Update: Feb 18th, 2011
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Rare Shrimpboat

Rare Thursdays continued with another bizarre evening of the unexpected. The handout was titled "Happy Birthday Mr President" and featured the image of Marilyn Monroe and a babe popping out of a cake. Free champagne for the ladies (likely not Dom Perignon) was the pull, but only upstairs, so the bar was pretty dead. Until they rolled out the almost-naked babe.

I'm not quite sure of the context as I missed the beginning, but there was a chef skillfully placing really big shrimp on a babe wearing pasties and string panties.

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They brought out cocktail sauce and lemons for all to enjoy. Then they blindfolded a dude and he went bobbing for shrimp. It certainly generated a lot of camera action.

I'm very glad to see that the chef was wearing gloves, but somehow I don't think that the Health Department would approve of this. Hopefully they boiled the girl before the show.

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